Pronunciation Guide
- Rettic: Ret-tic
- Archarus: Ar-cha-rus
- Hanwark: Han-wark (the “wark” sounds like “quark”)
- Anora: A-nor-a
- Pelstow: Pel-stow
- Kretatic: Kre-ta-tic
- Reythurist: Rey-thur-ist
- Curiktic: Cu-rik-tic
- Hytharo: Hy-thar-o (The “Hy” sounds like “high”, and “thar” almost sounds a bit like “their”, but with more of an “a” sound.)
- Gyurian Axle: Gy-ur-i-an Axle (The “Gy” sounds like “guy”)
- Arcanite: Arc-an-ite
- Paralict: Par-a-lict
- Breggesa: Bre-gges-a
- Revance: Re-vance
Glossary & Primer (Slight spoilers below!):
- Magic:
o Ink:
Concocted from impossibly rare liquid water and a number of other ingredients, ink is used to draw runes onto the skin of one who wants to use magic. Each vial is specially brewed depending on which type of magic they were born to use.
o Runes:
Each piece of magic, or axiom, is made up of a number of runes. A single rune will mean a word, or a number of words, which are often determined by the intention of who is using it at the time.
o Axioms:
An axiom is the resulting magic itself, a statement of words summoned into the world to change it. It can also refer to a sequence of runes that are ready on someone’s skin.
- Places:
o The Droughtlands:
The never-ending dunes of the Droughtlands are sparsely populated and even less settled. Long drained of any liquid water, its inhabitants live a scavenger’s life, hydrated by an ancient act of magic performed by the extinct Hytharo that locked the water into the air.
o Breggesa:
The largest city in the Droughtlands, an enormous trade hub at the crossroads of several regions and home of the Academy of Breggesa.
o Revance:
Revance is the gargantuan walking fortress that wanders across the Droughtlands, both as a cargo hauler and as a mercenary outfit. Despite being one gigantic arcanite, its creator and controller are still unknown.
o The Ruins of those-of-glass:
The mysterious towers poking out of the dunes in clusters across the Droughtlands are seen as places of unpredictable danger, yet this doesn’t stop brave and foolish souls from venturing into their depths in search of powerful treasures or secret magics.
- Peoples:
o Kretatic:
Born with green eyes, these peoples use their magic to magnetically bind scrap metal into arcanites.
o Reythurist:
With blue eyes, they have a keen sense of the air around them, their magic giving them the ability to manipulate it in unexpected and often deadly ways.
o Curiktic:
Drawing the roots of their magic from the ever-burning sun, yellow-eyed Curiktics can summon blinding light or blazing fire, the latter of which either causing or cauterising wounds.
o Hytharo:
Extinct for eons, the Hytharo—
o The Academy of Breggesa:
An organisation headquartered in the city of its namesake dedicated to research into magic, both that which is known and long forgotten. They are as clandestine as they are ruthless.
o Those-of-glass:
The name that the people of the Droughtlands to those who built the various forbidden ruins that are scattered across the dunes. Little else is known about them, other than their magic being impossibly different from what is known.