E x p l o r i n g               

t h e   d r o u g h t l a n d s

Pillars of glass and steel lurk among the sweeping red dunes, denoting the buried cities that hold echoes of forgotten magic and fragments of incomprehensible technology.

Wondering where to start your adventures in The Droughtlands? So was I, nearly a decade ago! Now all these years later, I wanted to provide an experience where you, the reader, have the opportunity to experience these stories in any order you see fit.

All the highlighted books will be a great introduction to the world of The Droughtlands, and you’ll be able to start with any of them! Just click on each individual book to find out more about them.

At the bottom of this page is the full publishing roadmap if you’d prefer to read in that order, which is entirely optional. However doing so will uncover all the hidden easter eggs and plot lines laced throughout The Droughtlands.


The last boy of an extinct people hunts for his stolen memories to determine if he’s meant to bring back rain.

The flux catastrophe

Set 30 years before the events of THE FIRST HYTHARO:

A conscript aboard a walking fortress of scrap metal attempts to stop a mutiny with catastrophic results.

Cartographer of ruin

Details to come…

Forthcoming series

Details to come…

Publishing Roadmap

Following the white line, you’ll be able to read all the books currently set in The Droughtlands in their published order, and also catch a glimpse of what the future has in store.